Lancôme highlights loyalty offers on its site. Discover the detailed case!

Rather than simply promoting its loyalty program on its website, Lancôme especially wanted to maximize the use of unique promotional codes assigned to the various levels of the program. The challenge was to improve their redemption rate by making these benefits more visible and easily accessible throughout the buying process, from product discovery to the completion of the online order.
Let our customers speak
Carrefour, a major French food retailer in the world, has been collaborating with Reelevant for 5 years.

Multinational company in the world of cosmetics created in 1954. The Clarins and Reelevant teams have been working together for 4 years already.

French retailer of sports and leisure goods created in 1976. Decathlon has been banking on the hyper-personalization of Reelevant for 2 years.

L'orchestration d’expériences qui reconnecte les marques à leurs clients